Dynamics of filtration mass transfer during executing and curtailment of mining operations

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Dynamics of filtration mass transfer during executing and curtailment of mining operationsSadovenko, I.A., Rudakov, D.V. (2010), Dinamika filtratsionnogo massoperenosa pri vedenii i svertyvanii gornykh rabot [Dynamics of filtration mass transfer during executing and curtailment of mining operations], National Mining University, Dnipropetrovsk, in Russian.

The new approaches to forecasting of hydro and geochemical condition of the rock mass in conditions of executing and curtailment of mining operations are outlined. The new models of hydro-gas dynamic and transport processes in disturbed rock mass are presented. They combine stochastic and deterministic methods that allow determining reasonable ranges of technological parameters and patterns for effective control of the state of geotechnical systems.

The book is intended for specialists in hydrogeology, geo-ecology, landscape restoration; it will be useful for postgraduates and students specializing in mining and geology.

ISBN 978-966-350-215-1


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