Metasomatic formations of the Middle Pridneprovie megablock on the Ukrainian Shield (distribution regularities, petrology and ore-bearing)

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Ruzina, M.V. Metasomatic formations of the Middle Pridneprovie megablock on the Ukrainian Shield (distribution regularities, petrology and ore-bearing), Monograph, Dnipropetrovsk: National Mining University, 2010. – 158 p. [In Russian].

The work is the first system monographic report about metasomatic formations in the Middle Predniprovie megablock of the Ukrainian shield. The theoretical substantiation of geological factors, which determineregularities of distribution and ore-bearing of metasomatic formations within the Middle Pridneprovie megablock of the Ukrainian shield have been carried out. The metallogeny specialization of different metasomatic formations has been determined. The classification of different types of metasomatic formations has been elaborated on the basis of the detail реtrological study with due regard to initial rock composition, paragenesis internal zones metasomatic columns, and component mobility and distribution in Middle Pridneprovie.

The monograph is of interest for the specialists dealing with metasomatic process study and for the geologists carrying out geological survey, searches and metallogeny prognosis and for the students of the geological department.


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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
ISSN (online) 2223-2362.
Journal was registered by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
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You are here: Home Monographs Monographs 2010 Metasomatic formations of the Middle Pridneprovie megablock on the Ukrainian Shield (distribution regularities, petrology and ore-bearing)