Physical and chemical transformations in gas coal samples influenced by the weak magnetic field

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V.V.Sobolev, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.,, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine, e‑mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

D.V.Rudakov, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.,, Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine, e‑mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

O.N.Molchanov, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow,,  Institute of Physics of Mining Processes, Dnipro, Ukraine

L.I.Stefanovych, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow,,  Institute of Physics of Mining Processes, Dnipro, Ukraine

A.K.Kirillov, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow,,  Institute of Physics of Mining Processes, Dnipro, Ukraine

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Purpose. To study changes in the gas coal sample microstructure, the trends of changing iron concentration and thermal effects of chemical reactions stimulated by the pulsating magnetic field of low intensity.

Methodology. This study used the experimental research methodology, mathematical treatment of the results and analytical methods including X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, differential thermal and thermogravitational analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis and coal microparticles distribution by fractions, and others.

Findings. Treatment of gas coal samples with weak magnetic and electric fields showed that destructive processes in coal can be initiated both by electric and magnetic fields of weak density. The phase transitions and thermal effects in coal under changing temperature, coal mass changes during heating were defined; temperatures of exothermic and endothermic processes and the enthalpy of new substance formation were evaluated. The microparticle size distribution depending on the treatment method was analyzed.

Originality. It was shown that the iron concentration in recovered gas coal increases with decreasing the grain microparticle size to a limit value corresponding to the iron ash concentration. As a result of the influence of a low intensity pulsating magnetic field strength on the pre-mechanically activated carbon microstructure, the microparticle size increases and, in general, their size range significantly expands. The minimum amount of absorbed heat is required for the chemical compound formation in mechanically activated coal, and the maximum amount is needed for mechanical activation followed by magnetic field treatment that, in the latter case, can be related to additional implementation of spin-selective chemical reactions directly on the coal microparticle surfaces.

Practical value. The obtained experimental results emphasize the fact that weak magnetic fields actively participate in coalification. The results of experimental research can be used in the development of magnetic methods for coal outburst suppression.


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