Determination of parameters of intensive flat coal seams mining technology in the conditions of negative effect of mining operations on the daily surface

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O.I. Kazanin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, National University of Mineral Resources (University of Mines), Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

M.G. Mustafin, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, National University of Mineral Resources (University of Mines), Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

A.A. Meshkov, VAT “SUEK-Kuzbass”, Engineer, Leninsk-Kuznetskiy, Russia.

A.A. Sidorenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, National University of Mineral Resources (University of Mines), Saint-Petersburg, Russia.


Purpose. Determination of parameters of the effective close multiple-seam mining technologies in the conditions of a negative effect of mining operations on a daily surface.

Methodology. The complex method, which includes analysis and summary of the published results of undermined by intensive multi-seam mining surface subsidence researches is used; field studies of undermined surface subsidence processes; field studies of undermined massive geological structure by audio-magnetotelluric sounding method; experimental-analytical researches by finite element method.

Findings. The mechanism of the daily surface failures formation during coal seam mining at depths, almost by 100 times exceeding the mining seam thickness is shown. The recommendations to provide the economic effectiveness of coal mining in conditions of negative effect of underground mining operations on a daily surface are given.

Originality. The conditions of closing of the daily surface cracks and failures caused by flat seam longwall mining are determined. Dependence between damage caused by the coal reserves losses, costs of surface reclamation and various parameters of mining system for conditions of the VAT “SUEK-Kuzbass” coal mines is determined.

Practical value. It is established that existence of the thick and strong sandstone layers in covering rock mass is the main factor that determines the daily surface deformations character when the depths of mining exceeds the 20 thickness of seam, mined with using longwall system with leaving between longwall panels no extractable chain pillars. Technological conditions of the surface cracks and failures closing, which were caused by consecutive flat coal seams mining in VAT “SUEK-Kuzbass” coal mines, are determined. The criteria for the coal mining technological schemes parameters choice in the conditions of a negative effect of the mining operations on a daily surface are offered. Methodical recommendations for the choice of coal mining technological schemes parameters in the conditions of a negative effect of underground mining operations on a daily surface are developed.


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3. Syd S. Peng (2008), Coal Mine Ground Control, West Virginia University, USA.

Date 2015-10-10 Filesize 1.53 MB Download 1095


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