Waste rock sprayed concrete mixtures for coal mines workings support

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V.S. Harkusha, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, postgraduate student, Junior Research Fellow of the Department of Construction, Geotechnics and Geomechanics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To complete experimental determination of waste rock sprayed concrete mixtures physical and mechanical characteristics and to study microsilica influence on their physical and mechanical properties.

Methodology. The possibility of waste rock use as fine and coarse aggregate for sprayed concrete mixtures was studied. The optimal grain size for sprayed concrete mixtures was selected. The active mineral admixtures that can improve technological, physical and mechanical properties of sprayed concrete mixtures were determined. Physical and mechanical properties of sprayed concrete samples in dry and water-saturated state were experimentally determined.

Findings. The optimal components ratio – Cement: Sand: Rock, which provides the workability of sprayed concrete mixtures based on waste rock and their highest physical and mechanical properties were determined. Active mineral admixtures that can improve strength on compression and bending of sprayed concrete mixtures, as well as improve their resistance to the water effect were selected. The conclusions were drawn about the water impact on the properties of the crushed rock and sprayed concrete mixtures.

Originality. Physicаl and mechanical properties of different compositions of sprayed concrete mixtures were studied. The dependences of sprayed concrete mixtures hardening used as aggregate waste rock of the Western Donbass mines were obtained. The dependences of the kinetics of sprayed concrete mixtures hardening with the microsilica admixture used to increase the strength in wet conditions were obtained.

Practical value. The use of waste rock may reduce the amount of materials (silica sand, granite gravel) transported to great depths of coal mines. Waste rock sprayed concrete mixtures must significantly reduce the cost of works connected with mining supports construction and repairing as well as reduce the load on the transport system of a mine and the amount of rocks lifted to the surface.


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