Geotechnology features of high quality martite ore from deep mines of Kryvyi Rih basin

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V.M. Tarasyutin, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Kryvyi Rih National University”, Senior Lecturer, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine


Purpose. To determine the parameters and regularities of geotechnical properties of high quality martite ores from deep horizons of mines of Kryvyi Rih basinthat can provide calculation of ore production by borehole hydraulic technologies, as well as selection and delineation of representative areas in massifs of iron ore in the deposits.

Methodology. Laboratory-based determination and theoretical generalization of the parameters of structural and mineralogical characteristics and ore-processing properties of rich martite ores.

Findings. With in the developed productive horizonsof Kryvyi Rih deposits, there are significant reserves of high-quality martite ore with iron content of 65–69%, which was formed because of leaching and occurs in accordance with the laws of the mineralogical zoning. Structural and morphological and chemical-mineralogical analysis of samples of high quality martite ores showed that structurally the ores are fine-grained, highly porous, mostly two-component system consisting in volume by 90–95% of martita and 5–10% of quartz, which allows us to consider reserves of such ores as a promising source of raw materials for the production of iron ore, concentrates of the highest quality. We havefound that when the content of iron in the martite ore samples varies between 66.6 to 68.8% (mean 67.9%), the silica content ranges from 1.0 to 2.0% (mean 1.45%), density varies from 3.50 to 3.99 ⋅103kg/m3 (mean3.68 ⋅103kg/m3), porosityranges from 20 to 38% (mean 30%) and uniaxial tensile strength of compression varies from 0.8 up to 10 MPa (mean 4.6 MPa). We have developed the classification of geotechnical types of rich martite ores from Kryvyi Rih basin suitable for the development by borehole hydrotechnologies.

Originality. The parameters of geotechnical properties of high quality martite ore take into account the conditions of deep horizons of iron ore mines. We have found that the tensile strength of the uniaxial compression of the ores formed under different conditions reduces by an exponential dependence on their porosity.

Practical value. The laws of geotechnical parameters and properties of the rich martite ores allow us to define the basic parameters and range of application of borehole hydrotechnologies.


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