Mathematical modeling of the surface roughness of the grinding wheel during straightening

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R.M.Strelchuk,, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

S.M.Trokhimchuk,, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2021, (1): 053 - 059


Research on the mechanism of influence of the straightening conditions of the grinding wheel, including the relative oscillations of the wheel and a multipoint diamond dresser, on the roughness of the ground surface and other machining results.

Straightening a grinding wheel with a multipoint diamond dresser is a process of high-speed destruction of a hard, abrasive material and its bond under the instantaneous forces, abrasive grains with a hard surface of a diamond crystal. During the grinding wheel straightening, the total component of normal forces causes correspondingly less elastic deformations in the wheel straightening tool system, which increases the accuracy of the geometric shape of the grinding wheel working surface.

The research results make it possible to determine the parameters of the surface roughness of a workpiece and to find ways to control it to increase the efficiency of the grinding process.

The regularities of the influence of the grinding wheel straightening conditions on the state of its working surface have been established. The paper shows that the initial arrangement of grains along the normal to the surface of the wheel is determined by its characteristics. When the abrasive grains hit the surface of the straightening tool, some of the vertices are chipped off, as a result of which the density of the grain vertices on the outer surface of the wheel increases. The straightening process was further developed in the direction of the non-uniform character of the location of the vertices of abrasive grains. The distribution of the grain position at the wheel bond depends on the straightening conditions. Since the removal of the allowance in the process of grinding is carried out by the most protruding grain vertices, then, consequently, the result of grinding will depend on their location and the conditions for the wheel straightening.

Practical value.
Application of the research results obtained in the work, namely, mathematical modeling of the surface roughness of the grinding wheel during straightening, makes it possible to calculate the roughness parameter of the ground surface. The work also shows that the level of chipping of the grain vertices depends on the grinding wheel straightening conditions, in particular, on the value of the axial feed of the straightening tool. In this case, lower stresses arise in the grains and the bond, and the tool works as a harder one. Straightening conditions affect the stability of the grinding wheel and its self-sharpening process in the machining zone. This determines the significant role of straightening in the results of the grinding process.

profile deviation, straightening conditions, grinding wheel


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