Content №4 2024

Geology 5
M. E. Sanatbekov, G. Zholtaev, N. Tileuberdi, E. S. Auelkhan, Z. B. Imansakipova Study of geodynamic and hydrogeological criteria for assessing the hydrocarbon potential of the Alakol depression 5
A. D. Maussymbaeva, V. S. Portnov, S. B. Imanbayeva, M. Rabatuly, G. M. Rakhimova Influence of rock shear processes on the methane content of longwall faces 11
K. A. Bezruchko, O. V. Burchak, L. I. Pymonenko, V. V. Chelkan Sorption capacity and natural gas content of coal beds of Donbas 18
Mining 27
B. T. Ratov, V. A. Mechnik, V. L. Khomenko, A. O. Ihnatov, A. B. Kalzhanova Influence of disperse-hardening additive chrome diboride on the structure of carbide matrixes of PDC drill bits 27
S. P. Minieiev, L. A. Novikov, O. S. Yanzhula, O. Y. Belousov, R. V. Makarenko Assessment of the contamination degree of gas pipeline branches during mined-out space degasification 35
P. Shcherbakov, S. Tymchenko, S. Moldabayev, N. Sarybayev, D. Klymenko, N. Ulanova Implementation of a mathematical component in the device development for operational control of the dump truck 41
D. Zh. Abdeli, A. S. Yskak, B. A. Shilanbayev, B. A. Baluanov Enhanced oil recovery of deposits by maintaining a rational reservoir pressure 48
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 55
I. Ammour, N. Sabba, I. Zeriri, A. Bouslama, E. Sakher Combined roasting and leaching treatment for reducing phosphorus, aluminum and silicon in oolitic iron ore 55
I. V. Novytskyi, Y. O. Shevchenko Justification of the criterion for optimal control of the self-grinding process of ores in drum mills 61
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 67
O. V. Fomin, P. M. Prokopenko, A. M. Fomina, A. O. Klymash, S. V. Kuzmenko Strength analysis of the model 918 wagon under non-typical bulk loads 67
I. Taran, B. Zhamanbayev, I. Klymenko, Y. Beketov Application of modern mathematical apparatus for determining the dynamic properties of vehicles 73

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