Content №1 2021

Geology 5
O.M.Karpenko, V.V.Ohar, I.O.Karpenko, I.M.Bezrodna Differentiation of Rudov Beds based on the statistical methods on geological and geophysical data 5
Mining 11
A.O.Ihnatov, Ye.A.Koroviaka, Jan Pinka, V.O.Rastsvietaiev, O.O.Dmytruk Geological and mining-engineering peculiarities of implementation of hydromechanical drilling principles 11
A.V.Kosenko Improvement of sub-level caving mining methods during high-grade iron ore mining 19
D.Zh.Abdeli, H.Daigle, A.S.Yskak, A.S.Dauletov, K.S.Nurbekova Increasing the efficiency of water shut-off in oil wells using sodium silicate 26
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing 32
V.P.Nadutyi, V.S.Kurilov, O.G.Cholyshkina, V.F.Hankevych Analytical studies on constrained particle settling velocity in a water suspension of fly ash from thermal power plants 32
N.A.Drizhd, Zh.T.Dauletzhanova, N.M.Zamaliyev, A.Zh.Dauletzhanov Influence of technological process parameters on qualitative characteristics of coal thermolysis products 39
L.M.Vasyliev, D.L.Vasyliev, O.Ye.Nazarov, M.G.Malich, V.O.Katan The method for determining the parameters of the diagrams of a truncated-wedge destruction of cylindrical samples of rocks 47
R.M.Strelchuk, S.M.Trokhimchuk Mathematical modeling of the surface roughness of the grinding wheel during straightening 53
R.M.Tatsiy, O.Yu.Pazen, S.Ya.Vovk, D.V.Kharyshyn Direct method of studying heat exchange in multilayered bodies of basic geometric forms with imperfect heat contact 60
L.I.Solonenko, S.I.Repiakh, K.I.Uzlov, I.Mamuzich, T.V.Kimstach, O.P.Bilyi Kinetics of quartz sand and its mixtures drying by microwave radiation 68
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building 78
S.V.Pilipenko, V.U.Grigorenko, V.A.Kozechko, O.O.Bohdanov. A deformation mode in a cold rolling condition to provide the necessary texture of the Ti-3Al-2 A deformation mode in a cold rolling condition to provide the necessary texture of the Ti-3Al-2.5V alloy 78

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