Optimization of structural elements of drive gearbox shafts of mine scraper conveyors
- Details
- Category: Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building
- Last Updated on 10 July 2014
- Published on 10 July 2014
- Hits: 4549
O.E. Vasylieva, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Senior Lecturar of the Department of Fire and Emergency-Rescue Techniques, Lviv, Ukrainе
I.V. Kuzio, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, National University Lviv Polytechnic, Head of the Department of Mechanics and Automation of Engineering, Lviv, Ukrainе
Purpose. Development of optimization simulation model of optimal structural parameters of drive gearbox shafts synthesis using information technologies.
Methodology. To solve the task we applied the method of Monte Carlo which consists in creation of sequence of pseudorandom numbers in an interval [0;1], by means of information technologies. By means of the special dependence these numbers grow into the values of the parameters surrounded by a т-dimensional parallelepiped. The calculation process stops when these parameters meet the optimal value. That is the feasible value of hit probability of these values into the region of feasibility surrounded by т-dimensional parallelepiped.
Findings. The obtained values of structural parameters are optimal with a probability of 0.95 under required durability and operating reliability, which provide tireless durability, twisting and flexing strength, inflexibility and vibration resistance. The structural parameters determined by information technologies meet the calculation results.
Originality. For the first time the IT-based optimization simulation model allows increasing of the planning process productivity in tens of times was created and offered.
Practical value. We recommend the simulation model for introduction into engineering and educational process of higher technical educational establishments for design not only drives of scraper conveyers but drives of different machines. The programme development system С++software package created on the base of the offered optimization simulation model to be used in Windows XP environment allows easy introduction of the shaft design process into engineering.
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