Development of mathematical model of hydraulic lift of tunnel lining machine manipulator

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Zabolotnyy Konstantyn Serheevych, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Mining Machines and Engineering Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Zhupiev Alexandr Leonidovich, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Instructor of the Mining Machines and Engineering Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Sirchenko Artem Alexandrovich, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Development of the mathematical model for justification of rational parameters of translational motion of tunnel lining machine manipulator.

Methods. Solving of optimization problems by defining the class of test functions; calculation of some of the features of this class; and confirmation of the uniqueness of the solution. Application of mathematical modeling methods for calculation of the motion of the fluid in the hydraulic systems in laminar and turbulent flows.

Findings. We have developed the mathematical model of the hydraulic drive arm allowing us to find the hydraulic control valve spool motion control law under any law of motion of the block. The results of the simulation show that to decrease the control signal anticipation the area of the rod end should be increased under given line pressure.

Originality. It is proved that: when acceleration rate value is limited, the U-shaped motion law provides the fastest lifting of the block to certain height; if necessary, to decrease the control signal anticipation over the time of movement speed change the area of the rod end should be increased under given line pressure.

Practical value. The mathematical model of the hydraulic drive lift has been developed. Its application allows determining of the rational parameters of the tunnel lining machine manipulator on order to create the tunnel lining machine manipulators of reduced weight, increased strength and durability, competitive at the world market.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2014 Contents No.3 2014 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Development of mathematical model of hydraulic lift of tunnel lining machine manipulator