Sustainable development of coal industry as a priority of the state

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I.N. Popovich, Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, First Deputy Minister, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Purpose. To analyze the state of the coal industry of Ukraine, strategy and practice of its sustainable development in the industrial structure of the country.

Methodology. We have used the following research methods: system, mathematical-statistical and geoinformation method; comparative analysis and scientific abstraction.

Findings. We have determined that the volume of coal production of 115 million tons will be sufficient to meet the needs of enterprises. We have proved that the advancing growth of coal production towards other sources of energy in industrialized countries has a stable tendency and provides energy independence. Ukraine can also become energy self-sufficient state despite substantial deterioration of mines. Effective realization of these strategic initiatives requires private investment increase. For this purpose, the relevant laws and normative base for public private partnership have been accepted.

Originality. Conceptual approach to estimation of the Ukrainian coal industry development prospects.

Practical value. Self-sufficiency of the coal industry can be achieved in stages by 2030 as a result of implementation of the concept of public private partnership. The integrated exploitation of gas and coal deposits and decrease of the environmental impact is a necessary condition of the development of coal industry in Ukraine.


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