Phisical-chemical conditions of generation of aragonite in cretaceous deposits in the southeast Ukrainian Carpathians

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S.YaKril, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Postgraduate Student, Lviv, Ukraine.

S.І. Tsikhon, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Associate Professor, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geology of Deposits, Lviv, Ukraine.


Purpose. To find out physical and chemical parameters of the mineral forming fluids which formed aragonite, a very rare veins mineral for the Ukrainian Carpathians. To determine the origin and geochemical properties of the carbonate mineralization in the Kvasy arsenic ore occurrence (Rakhiv region, Transcarpathian) and its relation to the hydrothermal processes taking place in the region.

Methodology. We used the thermobarogeochemical methods to determine physical-chemical conditions of the formation of aragonite. Fluids temperature was determined by the homogenization method (fluid inclusions heating), aggregate state by the phase investigation, composition and concentration by the cryometry (fluid inclusions cooling). The ICP-MS method was used for the determination of Sb, S, As, Fe, Mn, Sr, Ba et al. in the carbonate minerals.

Findings. The results of the fluid inclusions investigation indicated that the aragonite crystallization was affected by the low mineralized (salt content does not exceed a few percent), low-temperature hydrothermal solutions (90–130ºC), enriched with Fe, Mn, Sr, Ba, S, As. Presence of the numerous realgar crystals protogenetic solid inclusions in the aragonite radiate-fibrous aggregates indicates simultaneous formation of these minerals. Probably aragonite was formed from bicarbonate or bicarbonate-chloride solutions on post-ore formation stage of the arsenic mineralization. The formation of aragonite in the veins in Cretaceous sandstones was associated with the arsenic mineralization of the Kvasy ore occurrence and the bicarbonate arsenic mineral water circulation at “Hirska Tysa” deposit.

Originality. The geochemical properties and formation conditions of the aragonite veins in Cretaceous sediments (Porkulets and Dukla nappes, southeastern part of the Ukrainian Carpathians) were described and investigated for the first time.

Practical value. Formation of aragonite veins and its connection with ore mineralization can help us to understand and reconstruct the conditions of the low-temperature hydrothermal process in the Cretaceous deposits of the Ukrainian Carpathians, probably caused by magmatic activity in the Transcarpathian deep in early Pliocene late Quarterly time and, features of formation of the arsenic mineral water of “Hirska Tysa” deposit.


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