Transfer ratio of double-split transmissions in case of planetary gear input

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I.A. Taran, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of The Department of Transport Management, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.

I.Yu. Klimenko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Transport Management, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. To formalize regulation characteristic of hydrostatic mechanical transmissions and establish interrelation of circular transfer ratio of closed circuit for double-split hydrostatic mechanical transmissions with the characteristic of hydrostatic transmission in case of planetary gear output. It is necessary for establishing the behavior principles of circular and non-circular operating modes in all hydrostatic mechanical transmission operating modes in case of planetary gear output.

Methodology. Theoretical studies of transmissions are based on the key issues of theory of machines and mechanisms and on the theory of closed double-split transmissions. 

Findings. The research resulted the interrelation of circular transfer ratio of double-split transmissions with regulation characteristic in case of planetary gear output. It is necessary for justifying the structural and kinematic schemes of a diesel locomotive transmission. Owing to the lack of power circulation in the transmission, wherein planetary mechanism is situated on the entry, such continuously variable transmissions under the research are more advanced.

Originality. We have carried out the analysis of distributing powers circulating in double-split steplessly variable with loss in hydrostatic transmissions and their efficiency, determined relationships in distributing power on brunches of double-split hydrostatic mechanical transmissions in the process of their performance as transport means, and strictly demonstrated the lemma concerning availability or absence of circulating power within double-split hydrostatic mechanical transmissions. That is the basis of scientific substantiation of the methodology of steplessly variable double-split hydrostatic mechanical transmissions under any working mode both for traction and transport velocity ranges of any transport means including mine diesel locomotives.


Practical value. Using laws of formation and transfer of power paths within transmission components enables us to substantiate the type of transmission required for necessary moving force and stepless cruise control of diesel locomotives within the given range when diesel engine has constant frequency of crankshaft rotation for minimum discharges and fuel consumption. Distribution of paths limits greatly both structure and kinematic scheme of double-split stepless transmission. For any nonreversible variator it should give only parallel power paths from the engine up to driving wheels of traction and transport machine.




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2. Таран И.А.Закономерности передачи мощности по ветвям двухпоточных гидрообъемно-механических трансмиссий / И.А. Таран // Науковий вісник НГУ. – 2012. – № 2. – С. 69–75.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2013 Contents No.6 2013 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Transfer ratio of double-split transmissions in case of planetary gear input