Experimental and industrial implementation of porous ammonium nitrate producing process in vortex granulators
- Details
- Category: Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building
- Last Updated on 21 July 2014
- Published on 24 December 2013
- Hits: 4332
А.Ye. Аrtyukhov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Sumy State University, Senior Lecturer of the Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries Department, Sumy, Ukraine.
V.I. Sklabinskiy, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Sumy State University, Head of the Processes and Equipment of Chemical and Petroleum-Refineries Department, Sumy, Ukraine.
Purpose. To substantiate the possibility of creation of a modern, highly effective and economical production of porous ammonium nitrate by means of the small-sized devices with intensive hydrodynamics.
Methodology. The results presented in this paper were obtained by experimental researches of the vortex suspension bed granulator pilot sample. They had been carried out to study the influence of vortex granulator hydrodynamic and thermodynamic regimes on quality of porous ammonium nitrate granules. Determination of the researching parameters measurement error is based on the standard techniques and recommendations for engineering experiment conducting, and statistical data processing.
Findings. The optimum hydrodynamic and thermodynamic parameters of the porous surface layer formation on the ordinary ammonium nitrate granules in vortex type equipment have been obtained. We have proved the possibility of the heat processing cycles decreasing, temperature of drying agent lowering, and original bubble structure of granules core retaining when use vortex granulator.
Originality. For the first time, the results confirming that the formation of porous ammonium nitrate can be conducted in the vortex high intensive stream of drying agent have been obtained. The combination of moisture and heat processing methods of the ordinary ammonium nitrate granules in the vortex fluidized bed allows us to obtain a product with high absorbing, retention ability and granule’s strength.
Practical value. The results of the experiments with earlier theoretical studies in the field of vortex streams motion hydrodynamics and thermodynamics of the porous surface layer formation in the vortex devices make the basis of engineering calculation methods development in point of vortex granulators. The results allowed us to develop new methods and devices for porous structure granules preparing with title of protection.
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