Formational and facial composition and ore-bearing of belozerskaya series of pre-cambrian of Ukranian shield in green-stone structures of Middle Pridneprovie
M.V. Ruzina, Dr. Sci. (Geol.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Department of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
O.A. Tereshkova, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of General and Structural Geology, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
V.N. Ivanov, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk national university, Director of Scientific Research Institute of Geology, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
A.Ya. Smirnov, State Higher Educational Institution “National University of Krivoy Rog”, Postgraduate Student, Department of Geology and applied mineralogy, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine.
Purpose. To study the matter composition, structure and relations of geological formations from Precabrian Belozerskaya series of Ukranian shield for substantiation of orebearing prospects.
Methodology. To study the matter composition, we have used optical microscopic methods with transmitted-light and reflected light illumination. For definition of metallogenic specialization of formations we have used the scintillation emission spectral analysis, semi-emission spectral analysis, polarographic analysis on gold, laser microspectral analysis. To study the carbonates generation we have used thermal analysis and x-ray analysis.
Findings. Belozerskaya series is unique stratigraph-ical unit of Precambrian in Ukranian shield due to its geochronical position and geology-metallogeny peculiarities. It remained only in three greenstone structures of nine existing in granite-greenstone block of the Middle Pridneprovie in Ukranian shield. They are: Konkskaya, Verthovcevskaya and Belozerskaya. As the Belozerskaya greenstone structure is preserved and studied better than others it has been taken as a standard among analogous structures of Middle Pridneprovie. The results of the researches allow us to study formational, facial composition of Belozerskaya series and substantiate its ore-bearing prospects, which bring in new expectations concerning the metallogeny of the region.
Originality. We have investigated previously unknown parts of Belozerskaya series stratigraphic sequence. This allows us to determine the quantity correlations of rocks in its rock composition, types of rythms for terrigeneous formations, its facial composition, find out the presence of hydrothermal metasomatic rocks, related to ores and non-metal types of raw material, and estimate geological signs being indicative of new ore formations.
Practical value. We have substantiated the relevancy of prospecting copper, precious metals, wolfram, asbestos, talk, magnesite within the territory of ZAO “Zaporogsky zhelezorudny kombinat” for complex using of raw material of the region traditionally considered an iron-producing area.
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