Economic elite as an open complex system
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- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 24 July 2014
- Published on 10 July 2013
- Hits: 4581
О.A. Shevchuk, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
Purpose. To study the economic elite from the point of view of the system approach; to determine the characteristics of the economic elite as a system and principles of its functioning as a complex adaptive system; to characterize the elite as a system with nonlinear feedback; to characterize the economic elite as an open system, functioning on the basis of the theory of channels and the theory of jokers.
Methodology. With a view to study the economic elite we have used the system approach, which allows synthesizing its key characteristics as an open complex adaptive system.
Findings. We have determined that the overall process of the economic elite development is a complex phenomenon with certain structure (the set of relatively independent sub-systems) and certain relationships and communication between the agents of these sub-systems. In aggregate, these relations and communications constitute a structural component, which consists of the objective state of the external environment (the economic and political situation) and internal conditions (individual peculiarities of a person).
Originality and practical value. The approach provides the capabilities to solve complicated, usually not clearly formulated problems of the theory of elitism. The target of research has been considered not as a single indivisible whole, but as a system of interrelated elements, with its properties and qualities. The main purpose of such analysis is the examination of each component of an elite system, functioning in conditions of uncertainty, to provide the economic elite the ability to perform its task in the system environment.
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