Mathematical model of mine vertical opening stability

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V.P. Rachkovsky, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Private Higher Educational Institution «European University», Senior Lecturerof the Department of Mathematical Sciences and Information Systems, Rivne, Ukraine


Purpose. To calculate the resistance of the massif around the mine working during development of diamond deposits.

Methodology. By the method of mathematical modeling we have determined the stability of the equilibrium state of the bottom of stope in vertical opening located in kimberlite rock taking into account the equilibrium of the infinite space of the cavity under the load at a depth of 1000 meters.

Findings. We have created themodel of the cylindrical vertical opening stability and determined appearance of local critical pressure in the surrounding massif during its deformation. The system of diamond deposits mining with ore shrinkage in mined-out spaces.

Originality. We have created a combination of axisymmetric computational model blocks of stress state of the cylindrical stope with axial compression and external pressure determining the stability of the kimberlite rock.

Practical value. We have developed the methodology of substantiation of geotechnology parameters of mining of Ukrainian kimberlite deposits and guidelines for assessment of technologic parameters of stopes in kimberlite pipes.



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