Theory of calculation of concrete-filled-steel-tube (CFST) of mining support
G.G. Litvinsky, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Donbass State Technical University, Head of the Department "Building Geotechnology", Alchevsk, Ukraine
E.V. Fesenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Donbass State Technical University, Associate Professor of the Department "Building Geotechnology", Alchevsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To develop a theory of calculation of bearing capacity of concrete-filled-steel-tube (CFST) of the first limit state being loaded by normal force and bending moment. To establish the laws of the joint work of steel pipe and hardening concrete mix.
Methodology. For adequate representation of the joint work of metal and concrete mix in CFST we took into account their joint deformation in the contact zone in the analytical and numerical mathematical models. The main characteristic feature of the method is consideration of different types of stress-strain state of the steel and concrete in CFST depending on the limit states of the fibers of the steel container.
Findings. We have considered three different types of stress-strain state of CFST elements, and determined conditions of the limit state approach for each type. We have created formulas for calculation of the distribution of internal forces in guncrete element being loaded by external force. The carrying capacity of guncrete has been determined based on the physical model of the interaction of concrete and steel pipe. The laws of the transition of one type of limit state to another with changing external loading of CFST have beendefined as the ratio of the normal force and the bending moment. We have developed the method for calculation of the guncrete bearing capacity. Analytical dependences for calculation of the limit relations of external loads for the three types of stress-strain state have been found out.
Originality. For the first time we have proposed an analytical theory of strength of beam guncretecolumn for any ratio of external loads in the first limit state. The theory is applicable for any combination of mechanical and geometrical parameters of concrete and steel. We have determined the presence of three types of stress-strain statein CFST. For the first time we have proposed a generalized diagram of limit forces in CFST as a function of maximum allowable moment of the longitudinal compressive force.
Practical value. The theory allows us to calculate the strength of the first limit state of CFST elements. It is necessary for their use in construction of industrial and civil engineering structures, surface complex of mines and underground mine support.
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