Prospects of application and constructive features of rubber-air reinforced lining
A.V. Chesnokov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Professor of the Production-Engineering and Consulting Department, Luhansk, Ukraine
L.G. Kosonogova, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Head of the Department of Industrial Vehicles, Luhansk, Ukraine
Purpose. To find the technological methods of increase the composite anchors production efficiency and to determine the research ways to solve important economic-engineering problems aimed at reducing of mine bolting prime cost.
Methodology. Analysis and generalization of literary sources and tendencies of technological development of mine polymer anchoring, generalization of information about fastening tools and researches of authors dealing with polymer anchoring are the methodical basis of the complex research performed.
Findings. We have substantiated the efficiency of polymer anchoring of mine workings which meets the world tendencies of composite anchor application. We have substantiated efficiency of the shape of anchor bar which has the tubular form with cell surface structure. We have analyzed the reinforcing materials for anchors taking into account their features, price and availability of domestic production. The list of additives required for binding agent improvement has been suggested and their influence on the material strength has been determined. The prototypes for industrial installations producing such anchors have been suggested.
Originality. We have worked out the complex approach to define the shape, structure, reinforcing materials, additives to provide effective anchor bolting and proper strength of the structure.
Practical value. The anchor structure, materials and technology of the polymer anchors pilot production have been determined. The research ways for development of effective mass production of polymer anchors corresponding to the specifications which allow reducing prime cost of mine polymer anchoring are defined.
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