Abutment pressure behavior in conditions of weak wall rocks
Yu.M. Khalimendik, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Establishment “National Mining University”, Head of Mine Surveying Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Yu.A. Zabolotnaya, State Higher Educational Establishment “National Mining University”, postgraduate student of Mine Surveying Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. During the development of stratified deposits the abutment zone is characterized by the width of the bearing pressure zone, the maximum stress in it and by the location of maximum of bearing pressure in relation to the lava face or the boundary of extraction works. The values of these parameters depend on the strength of the wall rock, which requires additional studies with confirmation by means of field observations. In order to establish the actual parameters of high rock pressure zones the monitoring of the excavations has been carried out in zones of high rock pressure at the mines “Imeni Geroev Kosmosa” and “Zapadno-Donbasskaya” of Public Joint Stock Company “DTEK Pavlogradugol”.
Methodology. The monitoring of the state of workings and rock massif in the zones influenced by extraction works was carried out at the 14 sites of mine workings at the mentioned mines by means of linear measurements.
Findings. The incompliance of the boundaries of zones of high rock pressure and spread of rock pressure in the mine workings and the position of the boundaries and dimensions, calculated according to Regulations, was established as the result of the study of the mine workings state in the high rock pressure zones at the mines “Imeni Geroev Kosmosa” and “Zapadno-Donbasskaya” of Public Joint Stock Company “DTEK Pavlogradugol”.
Originality. Based on the monitoring results we can draw the conclusion that the zone of high rock pressure in weak wall rocks is characterized by the presence of two components: the zone of disintegration with collapse danger, and the zone with high rock pressure where the continuity of the rock massif remains safe.
Practical value. The separation of high rock pressure zones into the above-mentioned two components makes it possible differentiate the scheduling of mine workings fastening in areas of high rock pressure.
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