Substantiation of the tendencies of metal consumption decrease for frame-anchor support of a seam opening in layered massif of weak rocks

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Authors: Bondarenko V.I., Kovalevska I.A., Symanovych H.A., Koval O.I., Vivcharenko O.V.
The researches data of stress and strain system «rock massif – support» during development of thin coal seams are given and the possibility of metal consumption decrease for frame-anchor support on the basis of computer modeling for different structure of coal containing strata is substantiated. As well comparison of two types of frame-anchor support are made according to pressure and movement components for frame support SIP-27, that will allow to optimize metal consumption of the frames and the labor input for their erection.
2010_4 Bondar
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.4 2010 Mining Substantiation of the tendencies of metal consumption decrease for frame-anchor support of a seam opening in layered massif of weak rocks