Research of influence of the stress-strain state of enclosing strata on their filtration properties during underground gasification of coal beds in the conditions of Dniper Basin

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Authors: Sadovenko I.O., Tymoshchuk V.I., Tishkov V.V., Demchenko Yu.I., Sherstiuk Ye.A., Dereviahina N.I.
The expediency of filtration parameters of enclosing strata at in-citu coal gasification is proved. The dependence of broken structure sand permeability on value of the volume deformation is determined by results of laboratory researches of filtration properties in three-dimensional state of stress conditions.
2010_3 Sadovenko
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2010 Contents No.3 2010 Mining Research of influence of the stress-strain state of enclosing strata on their filtration properties during underground gasification of coal beds in the conditions of Dniper Basin