About the longitudinal vibrations of ropes of load-transporting devices with the mobile distributed and concentrated inertial load

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N.V. Kariachenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Theoretical Mechanics Department of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMetAU), Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

А.P. Ivanova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Building and Geotechnical Mechanics Department, of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

It is considered the problem of motion of ropes of load-transporting devices, bearing the mobile distributed and concentrated inertial load, taking into account dispersion of energy in ropes and speed of change of length. By means of asymptotic method in the modified form of Bogolyubova-Mitropol'skogo the decision of integro-differential equalizations of Fredgol'ma of II type with variable in time kernels and scopes of integration has been build.


1. Russian source: Blokhin S.Ye. K voprosu o prodolnykh kolebaniyakh kanatov gruzotransportiruyushchikh ustroystv s podvizhnoy diskretnoy i raspredelennoy inertsionnoy nagruzkoy / Blokhin S.Ye., Karyachenko N.V.; Naukoviy visnyk NGAU. Naukovo-tekhnichnyi zhurnal. - 2001. – Vol.6. – P. 63 – 67. – Bibliogr.: P. 67.

2. Russian source: Goroshko O.A. Vvedeniye v mekhaniku odnomernykh deformiruyemykh tel peremennoy dliny / Goroshko O.A., Savin G.N. – K.: Nauk. dumka, 1971. – 224 p. – Bibliogr.: P. 218–224.

3. Russian source: Savin G.N. Dinamika niti peremennoy dliny (primenitelno k shakhtnym podyemam) / Savin G.N., Goroshko O.A. – K.: Nauk. dumka, 1962. – 332 p. – Bibliogr.: P. 318–332.

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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2011 Contents No.1 2011 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building About the longitudinal vibrations of ropes of load-transporting devices with the mobile distributed and concentrated inertial load