Influencing of railtrack muddiness on braking by devices with limited friction moment on wheel

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Authors: V.V. Protsiv, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Bases of Constructing of Mechanisms and Machines of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Theoretical research of influencing of mine railtrack muddiness on the joint-joined locomotive in the mode of braking by devices realizing brake force in the point of contact of a wheel with a rail is carried out. The terms of locking the wheels by the brake moment during the move along rails with different strength of muddiness are ascertained. Maximum and minimum coefficients of rolling friction differ 2,63 times but maximally possible moments differ only 2,40 times.


1. Russian source: Rengevich А.А. Osnovy teorii tiagi rudnichnykh poezdov: Uchebn. posobie [dlia stud. vyssh. uchebn. zaved.] / Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Rengevich ; – K.: UMK VO, 1989. – 40 p. (Shakhtnuy reikovyi transport).

2. Russian source: Tipovye resheniya po bezopasnoy perevozke liudey i gruzov v vyrabotkakh s uklonom ot 0,005 do 0,050. – Donetsk: DonUGI, 1973. – 62 p.

3. Ukrainian source: Prоtsіv V.V. Vyznachеnnia syl oporu rukhu ta napravliaiuchykh zusyl shakhtnoho sharnirno-zchlenovanoho lokomotyva v rezhymi halmuvannya / Volodymyr Vasylovych Prоtsіv; (Shakhtnui reikovyi transport) – Zb. nauk. prats – Dnipropetrovsk: RVK NHU, 2009. – Vol.33, t.1. – P. 99–102.

4. Ukrainian source: Prоtsіv V. V., Dynamichna model halmivnykh system, shcho realizovuiut halmivnu sylu v kontakti kolesa ta reiky /V.V. Prоtsіv, O.Ye. Honchar; (Shakhtnui reikovyi transport) – Zb. nauk. prats – Dnipropetrovsk: RVK NHU, 2010. – Vol.34. t. 2 – P. 160–171.

2011_01 Prots
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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2011 Contents No.1 2011 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Influencing of railtrack muddiness on braking by devices with limited friction moment on wheel