Research of influence of various factors on the stability of horizontal workings in deep mines
P.N. Dolzhikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Building Constructions Department of the Donbass State Technical University (DonSTU), Alchevsk, Ukraine
N.N. Paleychuk, Postgraduate student of the Department of Building Geotechnology & Mountain Constructions of the Donbass State Technical University (DonSTU), Alchevsk, Ukraine
It has been resulted analytical dependences of influence of different factors on indexes of stability of horizontal development workings of deep anthracitic mines out of the zones affected by second workings and bypasses for the environement of Eastern Donbas. Probabilities of inrushes have been ascertained for the typical areas of the development workings.
1. Russian source: Маlinin S.I. Geologicheskiye оsnovy prognoza povedeniya porod v gornykh vyrabotkakh pо razvedochnym dannym / S.I. Маlinin – М.: Nedrа, 1970. – 192 p. ; il., tabl. – Bibliogr.: P. 177–190.
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3. Russian source: Naumovich А.V. Issledovanie ustoychivosti podgotovitelnykh vyrabotok glubokikh gorizontov vnе zony vliyaniya оchistnykh rabot / А.V. Naumovich, R.N. Теreshchuk // Naukovyy visnyk NGU. – 2009. – Vol.11. – P. 3-5.
4. Russian source: Baraz V.R. Коrreliatsionno-regressionnyy аnaliz sviazi pokazateley kommercheskoy deyatelnosti s ispolzovaniyem programmy Excel : [uchebnoye posobiyе dlya studentov, оbuchayushchikhsya pо spetcialnosti «Коmmertsiya»] / V. R. Baraz – Electr. dannye. – Yekaterinburg: GOU VPO «UGTU-UPI» – 2005.
5. Russian source: Bulat А.F. Fraktaly v geomekhanikе: mоnоgrafiya/ А.F. Bulat, V.I. Dyrda ; Natcionalnaya аkademiya nauk Ukrainy, Ins-t geomekhaniki im. N.S. Polyakovа. – К.: Naukova dumka, 2005. – 358 p. il., tabl. – (Nauchnoye izdaniye) – Bibliogr.: P. 336–355. – ISBN 966-00-0516-4.
2011_01 Dolzh | |
2012-11-27 410.46 KB 1347 |
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