General conformities to law of shiftings and deformations of earth surface time distribution under moving production face
G.F. Gavriuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Mine Surveying Department, of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
It has been applied the method of special laboratory treatment of the results of the frequency instrumental observations on the observant stations, installed at earth surface within territories of mines of Marganets Ore-Dressing Plant. General conformities to law of distribution of shifts and deformations of earth surface are set in a dynamic semimould under moving production face.
1 Russian source: Lisitsa I.G. Pravila okhrany sooruzheniy i prirodnykh obyektov ot vrednogo vliyaniya podzemnykh razrabotok na Nikopolskom margantsevom mestorozhdenii / Lisitsa I.G., Antipenko G.A., Gavriuk G.F. − Dnepropetrovsk, 1985. − 38 p. il., tabl. − (Normativny dokument Ministerstva chernoy metallurgii USSR. Instruktsiya).
2. Ukrainian source: GSTU 101.00159226.001−2003. Pravyla pidrobky budivel, sporud i pryrodnykh obiektiv pry vydobuvanni vuhillia pidzemnym sposobom. − Ofits. vyd. − K.: Minpalyvenerho Ukrainy, 2004. − 128 p.: il., tabl. − (Haluzevyi standart Ukrainy).
3. Russian source: Sdvizhenie zemnoy poverkhnosti na plastovykh mestorozhdeniyakh Pridneprovya / [Antipenko G.A., Gavriuk G.F., Kuchin A.S., Nazarenko V.A.]. − D.: National Mining University, 2010. − 184 p.
4. Russian source: Metodicheskie ukazaniya po raschetu deformatsyi zemnoy poverkhnosti vo vremeni i gorno-geometricheskomu prognozirovaniyu okhrany poym rek pri podzemnoy razrabotke ugolnykh plastov v Zapadnom Donbasse / Ministerstvo ugolnoy promyshlennosti USSR, Donetsk, 1986. − 54 p.: il., tabl. − (Normativny dokument Ministerstva ugolnoy promyshlennosti USSR. Instruktsiya).
5. Russian source: Sdvizhenie gornykh porod i zemnoy poverkhnosti pri podzemnykh razrabotkakh / [Bukrinskiy V.A., Orlov G.V. et al.]; pod red. V.A. Bukrinskogo i G.V. Orlova. − M.: Nedra, 1984. − 247 p. il., tabl. − Bibliogr.: p. 243-244.
2011_01 Gavr | |
2012-11-27 294.59 KB 1478 |
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