Material composition of the upper mantle of the south-eastern part of the Ukrainian shield according to the geology and geophysics data
Authors: P.I. Pigulevskiy, Candidate of Geology, Senior Research Fellow, Senior Lecturer of the Geophysics Department, of the State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Brief characterictics of density features and material composition of Srednepridnerovskiy megablock and Priazovskiy megablock, Krivorozhsko-Kremenchug and Orekhovo-Pavlograd suture lines of the Ukrainian Shield at the depth 50- km is shown. The objective laws of their intercoupling with plutonic constitution of the southeast part of the Ukrainian Shield on 50-km depth are reviewed. The progressing eclogite, peridotite, ampholit-vebsterit abnormal mantle, outlines mantle plum is shown, the conclusion about offset on depth of main faults of the southeast part of Ukrainian Shield is drawn.
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