Influence of mantle processes on the formation of hydrothermal uranium deposits of the Kirovograd ore district of the Ukrainian shield
Authors: A.A. Kalashnik, Candidate of Geology, Exploration Expedition No.37, State enterprise „Kirovgeologiya“, Chief Geophysicist, Kirovograd, Ukraine
In the Kirovograd uranium-ore district of the Kirovograd block of the Ukrainian shield spatial and time proximity of kimberlite dykes and areas of uranium metallization have been discovered. Kimberlite dykes are diamond-bearing. This proximity is external expression of correlation of uranium hydrothermal deposits and alkaline-ultrabasic magmatizm with deep mantle structures. Minerageny of diamond is nonlinear, however it is included as component in general metallogeny due to connections of different components with mantle depths. It confirms that exploratory research on diamonds in the Kirovograd block of the Ukrainian shield is promising.
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