Certain problems concerning internal forces in beams

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Authors: O.O. Tkach, Candidate of Science (Tech.), State Higher Education Institution “National Mountain University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Building and Geomechanics, Dnipropetrovsk. Ukraine


The analytical solution of the problem of support reactions of multispan beams loaded by several moving forces has been found. The generalized model of beam that allows presenting of any beam as a cantilever after finding the functions of the supporting reactions and special functions of distribution of internal forces from several moving forces along the beam have been proposed. Sections of the surface graphs of these functions, orthogonal to the axes of coordinates, are diagrams and influence lines of internal efforts. The possibility of use of other plane sections of the surface graphs to determine internal efforts in the cross sections of beams was presented as well.


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Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 597.3 KB Download 1185


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