Rock massif state in zones with increased strata pressure
Yu.M. Khalimendik, Doctor of Science (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Establishment “National Mining University”, Head of Mine Surveying Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Yu.A. Zabolotnaya, State Higher Educational Establishment “National Mining University”, postgraduate student of Mine Surveying Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
The result of rock massif state analysis during coal-face working in the increased strata pressure areas are described in the article. The behavior of the rock massif during crossing of area with increased pressure by the coalface working from the side of rock mass and during transition of longwall face from the unloaded area in the area of with increased strata pressure is considered. The reasons of technogenic violations appearance are set for the concrete longwall on the basis of instrumental supervision data.
1. Указания по управлению горным давлением в очистных забоях под (над) целиками и краевыми частями при разработке свиты угольных пластов мощностью до 3,5 м с углом падения до 35º / [С.Т. Кузнецов, Д.Г. Пекарский, В.В. Сычев и др.] – Л.: ВНИМИ, 1984. – 62 с.
Guidance on mountain pressure control in mining faces under (above) pillars and boundary parts of coal seams suite with thickness of 3,5 m and with dip angle up to 35º / [S.T. Kuznetsov, D.G. Pekarskiy, V.V. Sychev et al.] – L.: VNIMI, 1984. – 62 p.
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Temporary guidance on mountain pressure control in mining faces in seams of 3,5 m thickness and with dip angle up to 35º. – L.: VNIMI, 1982. – 134 p.
3. Методические указания по управлению горным давлением при разработке сближенных пластов Донбасса с углами падения свыше 35º в зонах повышенного горного давления / [Ф.Н. Воскобоев, В.И. Черняев, Н.А. Шаповал и др.] – Л.: ВНИМИ, 1985. – 47 с.
Methodological guidance on mountain pressure control during development of closed seams of Donbass with dip angles more than 35º in zones with increased strata pressure / [F.N. Voskoboyev, V.I. Cherniayev, N.A. Shapoval et al.] – L.: VNIMI, 1985. – 47 p.
4. Управление кровлей и крепление в очистных забоях на угольных пластах с углом падения до 35º. Руководство КД / [Е.Д. Дубов, В.И. Ефремов, А.М. Ковтун и др.] – Донуги, 2002. – 141 с.
Roof control and timbering of mining faces in coal seams with dip angle up to 35º. Rukovodstvo KD / [Y.D. Dubov, V.I. Yefremov, A.M. Kovtun et al.] – Donugi, 2002. – 141 p.
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