Simulator of vibrochrashing of aggregated coal mass
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- Category: Information technologies, systems analysis and administration
- Last Updated on 19 February 2013
- Published on 16 November 2012
- Hits: 4324
V.V. Slesarev, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of System Analysis and Management, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
A.S. Mineyev, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Work is devoted to the complex vibrocrashing processes in frozen bulk cargo. The problem is faced by almost all the cargo-transport companies working with the carriage of the goods using half-wagons and transport divisions of larger plants, mills and etc. A special vibro-crashing unit was developed to increase the effectiveness of the work during unloading process. The main principle of the vibro-crashing unit (VCU) is the transfer of mechanical vibratory energy to the frozen cargo by means of special vibro-pins. The idea of crashing frequency variation depending on the depth of immersion of vibro-pins was proposed to increase the efficiency of the installation’s work. The special attention is paid to the methods of computation of functions, mainly determining the most effective frequency depending on various parameters, such as changing from the beginning of the crashing to the end in same wagon, from wagon to wagon and from train to train. Method of calculation was based on the study of physio-mechanical behaviour of coal mass, as well as on combination of methods of the decision of tasks in various areas of mechanics into the set most suitable for our case. The result of the research is the set of dependencies describing clearly the physical phenomena appearing in frozen coal mass. The formulas for determination of effective frequency which depend only on the simplest values determined by lots of sensors were suggested. The mechanism should be presented in the form of software and installed in hardware part of the automated control system (ACU) of vibro-crashing installation. Its creation will increase human safety, workers’ time and input-output ratio of the wagon unloading process.
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