Experimental investigations of the methods of automatic control of the productivity of magnetic separators by magnetic product

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Ye.V. Kоchurа, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Jаmil Аbedalrahim Jаmil Аlsayaydeh, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


The purpose of the paper is presentation of the results of the experimental verification of the method of automatic control of magnetic separator efficiency by magnetic product developed at the National Mining University. The developed method is based on the fact that the electromotive force in electric coil located on the pole piece of magnetic system of the separator is dependent on its efficiency by magnetic product. Functional diagram of the method of measuring the magnetic separator efficiency by magnetic product is given. Theoretical formulas that describe the formation of a pulsating magnetic field in the working area of the magnetic separator and the dependence of the magnetic induction of this field on physical variables that characterize the operating running regime of wet drum magnetic separator are presented.

Theoretical dependence of the magnetic induction of the magnetic field in the working area on the amount of magnetite concentrate in a layer on the surface of the separator drum is established. Procedure and the functional diagram of experimental studies of proposed automatic control method at iron ore-dressing plant are given. The procedure involves performing a passive experiment, including sampling and probe analysis with simultaneous reading of the voltmeter which measures the output voltage of the electric coil located on the pole piece of the magnetic system of the separator.

Mathematical processing of results of experimental studies was carried out by regression analysis. Regression equation that relates the magnitude of the electromotive force in a coil and a magnetic separator performance by magnetic product is given. Conclusion is drawn that estimation of magnetic separator efficiency by magnetic product is adequately accurate. Obtained results allow developing a system of automatic control of magnetic separators efficiency.


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