Estimation of defective element search duration in electronic systems by means of diagnostic complex “MARS”

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G.G. Sergeyev, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Sevastopol National Technical University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Cybernetics and Computing Techniques, Sevastopol, Ukraine


Purpose. To analyze the new technique of estimation of malfunction unit localization process duration in radio-electronic equipment. It will allow assessing of admissible limits of time spend on repair.

Methodology. The hardware-software system “MARS” designed by NTP “Ukraviazakaz” (Kyiv city) was considered as basic means of diagnostics. The problem urgency in general has been put and earlier publications covering the problem have been considered.

Findings. The fact that the time spent on the localization of a malfunctioning unit is an additive function of tree determinants. The first is load time of test file from database to memory of computer. The second is time of start run of standard substitute element required to put it into operating mode. The third is time spent on taking off data from oscillograph, modeling and analyzing. The load time of test file and modeling and analyzing time are stochastic parameters. The experiments have showed that it is feasible to forecast the repair time with acceptable accuracy.

Originality. The new method of estimation of time required for electronics malfunctioning units localization and repair by means of the hardware-software system “MARS” has been offered.

Practical value. The accurate forecasting of time required for diagnostics allows grounding of performance standards determined for repair workers and cost of their work.


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