Methodology of creation of the expert system of integrated diagnostics and control of the studies quality
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- Category: Information technologies, systems analysis and administration
- Last Updated on 16 May 2013
- Published on 15 November 2012
- Hits: 6598
N.О. Rizun, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Alfred Nobel Dnipropetrovsk University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To increase the quality of teaching and efficiency of education due to the development and introduction of expert system of integrated diagnostic and quality control of self-maintained and class work in the higher education institution.
Methodology. The research methodology is based on the system analysis of complex systems and the theory of pattern identification.
Findings. The following research results have been obtained: formalization of methods of system analysis and study content structuring, which provides the compact storage and quick search of any packages of portions of correlated content forms; development of the model of integrated diagnostic of the studies quality with the use of pattern identification for intellectual analysis of the rate of independent, current and total learning of study material; to the effectiveness of students’ individual work organization; to the quality of reverse connection organization (indicators of reliability and validity of test material).
Originality consists in the statement and resolution of the problem of improving the instruments of diagnostics and quality control of education in the higher education institution – by means of reasoning the appropriateness and effectiveness of using four criteria of integrated diagnostic of education quality, namely of the criterion of quantity level of study material learning and criteria of quality level of learning. There are three indices of the quality: the index of correlation between the rows of real and standard time, which is spent on the right test answer; the index of displacement of the testing tasks sequence relatively to the set order of their displaying; the index of testing tasks selection for the repeated answering.
Practical value of the work consists in forming the expert knowledge base and the algorithm of intellectual support of decision making for determination of the most effective forms of study work and study elements. These elements require specific forms of explanation and setting as well as the possibility of automated adjustment of the current lectures’ slide-summary or some portions of practice (laboratory) works. The concept of the maximum effective integration of expert system into the study informational sphere among Ukrainian higher educational institutions is offered. The expert system, which realizes the authors’ methodology, is fulfilled at the department of Department of Economic Cybernetics and Mathematical Methods in Economics in the Dnipropetrovsk Alfred Nobel University. This system’s approbation by means of organizing the study process in the core subjects for students of II–IV courses (field 6.030502 – “Economic Cybernetics”) during two semesters allowed to increase students’ absolute progress in average by 10–15%.
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