Geological and structural features of endogenous uranium ore occurrences in the Orekhovo-Pavlograd mineragenous zone of the Ukrainian shield

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A.A. Kalashnik, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Exploration Expedition No.37, State Enterprise „Kirovgeologiya“, Chief Geophysicist, Kirovograd, Ukraine


Purpose. To prognosticate possibility of expansion of uranium raw mineral-material base potential within the Orekhovo-Pavlograd mineragenic zone.

Methodology. In accordance with the postulates of the new rotary hypothesis by K.F. Tyapkin systematization of lineaments of the Orekhovo-Pavlograd deep fault was executed. These lineaments appear both in the physical fields and in geological features. Metallogenic specialization of anomalous areas of the activated mantle with determined deep sources of useful components (in particular, Malotersyansky alkaline massive) were defined. By results of long-term researches realized by means of the method of deep seismic sounding the basic features of deep structure of the earth crust and upper mantle in the zone of this fault were described. The analysis of the data of spatial distribution of uranium in the rocks of different ages in the Orekhovo-Pavlograd mineragenic fault zone and character of the uncommon Verbovsky type of uranium ore formation discovered in this area have been considered in the paper. Relying on the idea of the mantle fluidic-magmatic alkaline petrogenesis, as a basic ore formation process resulting endogenous uranium deposits, all set objects of endogenous uranium ore formation of different types and ages in the zone of the Orekhovo-Pavlograd fault of mantle penetration was considered from position of estimation of possibility of their formation due to the mantle sources of alkaline solutions and ore substance. The specificity of evolution of uranium-ore formation in considered district was studied.

Findings. Close spatial connection of endogenous uranium-ore objects with Orekhovo-Pavlograd fault was set. However, only single ore objects of uranium of different genetic types were discovered within it. Near-fault uranium-bearing feldspar metasomatites in the Orekhovo-Pavlograd zone are practically absent according to results of prospecting specialized on uranium. Thereof exploration works on industrial uranium-ore deposits of albitite formation being the basic type of industrial endogenous uranium ore formations within the Ukrainian shield in this region is not reasonable. Results of the researches showed that during mantle penetration into the zone of deep Orekhovo-Pavlograd fault there was no right combination of conditions for ore formation that could result into deposits with significant concentrations of uranium.

Originality. Ideas and traditions of scientific tectonic school created by professor K.F. Тyapkin were used in relation to prospecting of areas rich in radioactive raw materials in order to make a rational prognosis-searching complex based on mantle-paragenetic connection between uranium deposits formation and deep faults.

Practical value. The materials changed the view on the possibility of expanding the mineral resource base of uranium in the Orekhovo-Pavlograd mineragenic fault zone. It contributes to the increase of efficiency specialized on uranium prognosis and exploration works.


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