About the results of the magnetotelluric sounding of central part of the Srednepridneprovsky megablock
P.I. Pigulevskiy, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Senior Research Fellow, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geophysical Methods of Exploration, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To examine deep structure of central part of the Srednepridneprovsky Megablok of the Ukrainian shield by audiomagnetoteluric and magnetoteluric methods to distinguish between different parts of Earth’s crust for mineral prediction technology improvement.
Methodology. Observations were carried out by means of equipment “V-5 System 2000” provided by Canadian company Phoenix Geophysics Limited. Stable values of the impedance tensor, a matrix of the Visa-Parkinson and sections of apparent resistance to depth of 200 km were received.
Findings. The vertical differentiation of the lithosphere by effective resistance values and changes of geoelectric anomaly courses from horizontal to essentially inclined, was done. Thus visible vertical capacity of layers of the geoelectric discontinuity increases with depth, and at crossing in the upper mantle (lower of section of the Moho) their borders become less clear. At a depth of 100 km the form of the geoelectric anomalies becomes oval or isomeric, that can be caused by presence of small chambers of the partially melted material.
Originality. For the first time Earth’s crust vertical differentiation and lithosphere capacity within central part of the Srednepridneprovsky Megablok was established as a result of interpretation of audiomagnetoteluric and magnetoteluric data, gravimetry and magnetometry. Cross-section of lithosphere of 160–180 km depth was examined by magnetoteluric method. Lithospheric and mantle conductive layers were established. They serve as indicators of the modern thermodynamic state of the Megablok. Their parameters present geothermal mode of the region.
Practical value. The obtained results can be useful for precious and base metals prospecting.
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