Assessment of potential dangers of installations at Rhourde Nouss station within the framework of The Law 45/DG (Ouargla, Algeria)

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M.Boudiaf,, Laboratory of Materials, Geotechnics, Housing and Urbanism, University of 20th August 1955, Skikda, Algeria, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

R.Chaib,, Brothers Mentouri University-Constantine 1, Algeria

M.Fredj,, Abderrahmane Mira University, Bejaia, Algeria

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Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2021, (2): 145 - 150


According to the SONATRACH groups requirements, a hazard study should be carried out conforming to Law 45/DG in order to manage risk situations better and to ensure maximum operational safety.

The work presents modeling of accident scenarios through the ALOHA software. The identification and characterization of potential hazards of the facilities are carried out by the XRISK software while using the preliminary risk analysis method (PRA) and the bow tie method (in a horizontal plane).

Finding. An assessment of the socio-economic impact in the event of an accident in the hydrocarbon industry is given as well as recommendations to avoid unforeseen consequences.

For the first time at SONATRACH, the LOPA software has been used to model accident scenarios in the hydrocarbon industry. The latter refers to high-risk industries where every activity, whether industrial or commercial, is subject to incidents or serious situations that could seriously disrupt the operation of the organization, or even damage or destroy it.

Practical value.
Sensitive elements have been identified, which respectively include the station staff, the DSP agents on duty (digital signal processing), the subcontractors, i.e. a permanent population of 30 people on average. The occurrence of the potential major accidents identified in the risk analysis would cause the gas compression to stop at Rhourde Nouss station. Thus, there is a pressure drop at the level of the gas pipelines, which reduces the gas flow significantly, while its extent and duration will depend on the restarting of the station. Furthermore, the effects of damage to the equipment concerned could result in a significant cost for their replacement within a reasonable time.

XRISK, ALOHA, risk assessment, prevention, and hydrocarbon industry


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