Enhancing the efficiency of gas distribution stations operation by selecting the optimal gas pressure and temperature parameters at the station outlet

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I. V. Rybitskyi, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Associate Professor of the Energy Management and Technical Diagnostics Department, orcid.org/0000-0003-3596-3918,

V. I. Trofimchuk, Postgraduate Student, the Energy Management and Technical Diagnostics Department, orcid.org/0000-0002-2102-4605,

G. M. Kogut, Postgraduate Student, the Energy Management and Technical Diagnostics Department, orcid.org/0000-0002-4780-7448


Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2020, (3): 47-52



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Ukraine ranks first in the world in terms of energy intensity per unit of GDP, which means that Ukrainian enterprises spend the most energy in comparison with other countries in the production of the unit of production. The Gas Transportation System (GTS) is no exception. Gas transit is expected to reduce from 2020 due to the construction of gas pipelines bypassing the territory of Ukraine, which will lead to a decrease in the profitability of the GTS and, if not sufficiently loaded, to its loss. That is why ensuring efficient operation of the GTS equipment in terms of energy efficiency is becoming more relevant today than ever.

Purpose. To develop methods for enhancing the energy efficiency of the gas transmission system of Ukraine (based on the analysis of the gas distribution stations (GDS) operation) without significant investment, considering the possible decrease in gas transmission.

Methodology. In the work, the analysis of scientific and technical literature and regulatory documents is performed; mathematical modelling and analysis of operational performance of GDS is performed to determine the economic and environmental effect of the proposed measures.

Findings. It was confirmed that adjusting gas pressure at the outlet to the design pressure is a promising direction for energy efficiency increasing. According to the analysis of scientific and technical literature and regulatory documents, the optimal gas temperature at the outlet of the gas distribution system was determined. It was outlined that the implementation of the developed set of measures will allow obtaining a significant economic and environmental effect.

Originality. The necessity of implementation of a set of cost-free measures was developed and justified, mainly, reduction of the present natural gas indicators of temperature and pressure at the outlet of the gas distribution stations to the optimal ones, which will increase energy efficiency and ecological efficiency of its operation.

Practical value. The results will be used for production activity purposes, during the operation of gas distribution stations


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