Method of experimental evaluation velocity of particles in two-phase flow
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- Category: Information technologies, systems analysis and administration
- Last Updated on 14 July 2013
- Published on 14 November 2012
- Hits: 6642
Т.А. Ruzova, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), O. Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Senior Research Scientist of Research Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Heat-Mass Exchange Processes Modeling, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
А.П. Tolstopyat, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, O. Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Senior Research Scientist of Research Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Heat-Mass Exchange Processes Modeling, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
L.A. Fleyer, O. Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Senior Research Scientist of Research Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Heat-Mass Exchange Processes Modeling, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
When dealing with hydro- and pneumatic transport systems the main point is to evaluate velocities of particles in channels.
Purpose. To evaluate solid dispersed phase velocity as one of the basic parameters of two-phase medium flow, to realize connection between registering opto-electronic sensor and computer (by means of audio input) and to design the software for signal treating and evaluating of the values of physical parameters.
Methodology. The signal from sensor is digitized to wav-format audio file and has a form of impulse sequence, each of them corresponds to the moment of passing the particle by the photo sensor window. Because of the fact that the system is supplied with two photo sensors and the distance between them is known, the particle velocity can be evaluated due to the estimation of the time spent by the particle on passing this distance, which can be evaluated as interval between impulse pair corresponding to the signals of first and second sensors. But, as a rule, the signal is not structured, because the particles are not thrown uniformly. That is why the algorithm for evaluating particles velocities which does not depend on the uniformity was proposed.
Originality. The method for evaluation of dispersed phase velocity was developed. The equipment circuit and software for treating the signal from optoelectronic sensor to evaluate velocities of disperse particles in tuyer channel were designed. The experimental investigation of particles velocity evaluation in straight pipes at different channel slope angles by program treatment of the signal received from optoelectronic sensor.
Findings. Developed equipment circuit and signal processing methods allow carrying out investigation in stream splitter operating efficiency at different constructional features, high velocities without bringing disturbing elements in gas-carrier stream.
Practical value. Results of investigation are implemented at designing of pneumatic transport system construction for powder magnesium supply to hot-metal ladle cars.
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