Automatic optimization of productivity of magnetic concentration technological complex

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Jamil Abedalrahim Jamil Alsayaydeh, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Ye.V. Kochura, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To give scientific substantiation of the possibility of the automatic optimization of the technological complex of the iron ore magnetic separation by the signals of electromagnetic field of the separator.

Methodology. It involves experimental determination of the mathematical model of the complex and computational solution of the problem. Problem of optimization of technological complex of iron ore magnetic separation was raised. It is proposed to use performance by magnetic product as an optimization criterion. Unilateral restrictions should be imposed on the mass fraction of iron in concentrate and in tailings, as well as on the extraction of iron to concentrate. The problem was formulated as a nonlinear programming task. Results of the optimization problem solution of magnetic concentration complex that involves ball crusher, operating in closed loop with spiral classifier concatenated with a group of magnetic separators are given. It is proposed to use signals of magneto-sensitive elements, located in areas of ore feeding and concentrate and rejects separations, as an information source of mass fractions of iron in ore, concentrate and rejects, respectively. The optimization problem is solved by Newton’s method. Graphic interpretation of the solution is shown. There have been derived an optimal values of water consumption for the mill and the classifier, which provide maximum complex productivity with constraints on mass fractions of iron in concentrate and rejects, as well as with extraction of iron into concentrate limitation.

Findings. Functional diagram of automatic optimization of the technological complex of magnetic separation as well as description of generalized algorithm of system operation are the results of the research.

Originality. The optimal balance between the water consumptions by the mill and by the classifier was established. This provides maximum performance of the magnetic concentration complex taking into account technological limitations.

Practical value. The optimization algorithm of the magnetic concentration complex was designed. It improves the performance of the complex by at least 5%. Conclusions are drawn that the usage of industrial separator as a source of information on the mass fractions of iron in concentrate, tails and ore, as well as on the performance by magnetic product, gives the possibility for practical solution of the problem of automatic optimization of technological complexes of iron ore magnetic separation.


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