Process of creation of the extinguishing concentration of dry powder in mining face space with ejection-and-re-circulation ventilation scheme

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A.A. Pilipenko, The “Respirator” Scientific Research Institute of Mine-Rescue Work and Fire Safety, Senior Research Scientist, Donetsk, Ukraine

I.F. Dikenshteyn, The “Respirator” Scientific Research Institute of Mine-Rescue Work and Fire Safety, Senior Research Scientist, Donetsk, Ukraine

S.A. Alekseyenko. Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. Determination of conditions for the effective fire extinguishing in the face area of the blind drift with the ejection-and-recirculation ventilation scheme.

Methodology. The theoretical method of investigation of dynamics of turbulent flows, in particular of air-and-powder mixtures, taking into account the experimental data received before.

Findings. The optimal location of the automatic dry powder fire extinguisher in the face area of the blind drift has been determined; the mathematical model of formation of the fire extinguishing dry powder concentration in the dead end of the working with the ejection-and-re-circulation ventilation scheme has been designed; time of formation of the fire extinguishing dry powder concentration reduces by 10–15% by the use of the ejection nozzle on the ventilation pipeline.

Originality. The laws of formation of the fire extinguishing dry powder concentration in the dead end with the ejection-and-recirculation ventilation scheme have been established for the first time on the basis of the solution of the differential balance equation of the dry powder masses taking into account their arrival into the face area with the air flow and removal from it, precipitation and adhesion on the surface of the mine working, as well as taking into account geometrical parameters of the working.

Practical value. The research results have been used for selection of the most efficient type and determination of the parameters of the automatic fire extinguisher, in order to reduce expenditures on the rescue operations, lowering the damages, and increasing the coal output, therefore.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2012 Contents No.4 2012 Environmental safety, labour protection Process of creation of the extinguishing concentration of dry powder in mining face space with ejection-and-re-circulation ventilation scheme