Implementation of energy method in study of zonal disintegration of rocks
O.Ye. Khomenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Doctorate of the Department of Underground Mining of Deposits, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To develop one of synergetic research methods, so called ‘energy method’ which describes correctly the phenomenon of rock zonal disintegration around underground excavations for ore reserves mining and to estimate the effectiveness of existing ore extraction technologies.
Methodology. Analytical model for simulation of thermodynamic processes of formation of zonal disintegration of massif around the development workings has been created. Main technical parameters, such as distribution of radial and tangential stresses remaining after the conversion of potential energy in the areas of thermodynamic balance, the total stress from the action of the variety of intensity factors (density, magnetization, water abundance, gas content), and appearing of massif deformation areas in zones of thermodynamic energy imbalance have been modeled.
Findings. The choosing of the synergetic approach for the research has been substantiated. The classification of methods studying the stress-strain state of rocks has been fulfilled. Advantages and disadvantages of widely used theoretical modeling methods have been analyzed. The efficiency of phenomenological strength theories for the identification of massif areas exposed to destruction has been proved. The main stages and correlations in the process of modeling of rock zonal disintegration with the entropy, thermodynamic and thermal methods have been considered, and the dynamics of energy zones formation around development workings for Ukrainian ore mines has been modeled.
Originality. The method describing adequately the phenomenon of rock zonal disintegration around underground workings, recognized by international scientific community like one of the most difficult scientific problems which cannot be described on the base of existing concepts of physics, has been developed.
Practical value. The energy research method has been created for determining the shape and size of the thermodynamic balance zones, the conditions of transforming the different energy zones into the misbalance state as well as the number of such zones in the protective capsule formed in the rock around excavations.
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