Pre-conditions of creation of frame and anchor bolt support computational models taking into account nonlinear descriptions of physical environment

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V.V. Fomichev, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To create an optimization calculation model for designing new types of lining for development workings of the Western Donbass mines.

Methodology. The cheapness of the construction of mathematical model and easiness of its implementation for simulating different loading systems has made this type of deflected mode analysis the high-usage tool. When constructing the computational model we always simplify the original object. But the implementation of new types of support and growth of stresses in the rock massif require taking into account an increasing number of factors which have nonlinear nature when evaluating the stability. Adequate modeling of the frame support flexibility is connected with possibility of integration in the computational model of significant displacements. Numerical simulation should represent the physical work made by an anchor to maintain the roof strata in the moment of partial softening of rocks along working contour and after it. The deflected mode of the lining depends on the change of stressed state of surrounding rocks. These changes occur as a result of excavation or its termination, appearance of rheological features of rocks, etc. A consistent calculation of various combinations of these properties and characteristics allows determining the criticality of the certain indices of computational model that substantially affects the quality of the experiments.

Findings. The characteristics of the influence of the mining processes and objects description accuracy for the designing of support structures used for maintenance of development workings in the Western Donbass mines have been received.

Originality. An algorithm of the influence of variable non-linear mechanical and geometrical characteristics on the stress-strain state of the ‘support – rock strata’ system has been obtained. The mathematical description of the range of possible feasible solutions of problems of the class has been created.

Practical value. Application of the described approaches enhances the adequacy of computer simulation which determines the optimum characteristics of development workings in the Western Donbass mines.


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