Preconditions of formation and criteria for prediction of diamondiferrous structures on the ukrainian shield

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H.A.Kalashnyk, Dr. Sc. (Geol.), Senior Research Fellow, Kirovohrad Flight Academy Of National Aviation University, Professor of the Aeronavigation Department, Kirovohrad, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yu.I.Fedoryshyn, Dr. Sc. (Geol.), Senior Research Fellow, National University of Water Industry and Nature Management, Rivne, Ukraine

A.V.Kuzmin, “Kirovheolohiia” State enterprise, Senior Geologist, Kyiv, Ukraine

M.M.Kirianov, Exploration expedition № 37, “Kirovheolohiia” State enterprise, chief geologist, kirovohrad, ukraine


Purpose. Identify new laws of spatial distribution of different rank taxons of diamondiferous productive kimberlite-lamproitic magmatism in the territory of the Ukrainian Shield and its reflection in the geological and geophysical data. The research is devoted to studying the new criteria for localization of multiscale diamondiferous structures on the base of system approach.

Methodology. Complex analysis of a large amount of geophysical, geological, petrogeochemical information on the Ukrainian Shield was made. The variability of the deep environmental parameters that determine the possibility of occurrence of diamondiferous kimberlite-lamproitiс melts in the lithosphere andthe rise of fluid-magmatic columns on the upper structural horizons of the Earth’s crust to the formation of the diamond-producing structures was studied.

Findings. New laws, reflecting the specific formation of productive diamondiferous kimberlite and lamproitic magmatism on the base of multilevel generalized multifactor models of natural diamond forming were discovered. New prognostication criteria of varying in ranks potentially diamondiferous kimberlite, lamproitic taxons of the Ukrainian Shield’s (UkrSh’s) territory in geological and geophysical materials were supported. This gave the opportunity to make reasonable forecasts of the potential manifestations of diamondiferous kimberlite-lamproitic magmatism in the UkrSh’s segments of lithosphere and significantly minimize the area for further exploration works.

Originality. The new complex of forecasting criteria of different rank taxons of diamondiferous productive kimberlite-lamproitic magmatism of the Ukrainian Shield, which is based on multilevel generalized multifactor models of natural diamond forming, was defined. This complex of criteria allows for a consistent system localization of different ranks of potentially diamondbearing structures on the surface of the foundation.

Practical value. On the basis of the use of geological, geophysical and petrogeochemical data the comprehensive geological analysis of the Ukrainian Shield was made. Moreover, its perspectives on the root of diamonds were evaluated; areas of most probable localization of productive manifestations of kimberlite-lamproitic volcanism were localized. This can significantly increase the effectiveness and validity of forecasting and prospecting geological works.

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