The interrelation between the Novokryvorizka and Skeliuvatska suites of the Kryvyi Rih series
I.S.Paranko, Dr. Sc. (Geol.), Prof., Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
O.A.Matishchuk, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Purpose. Explore features of the structure and the relationship between the nature of occurrence of Novokryvorizka and Skeliuvatska Suites.
Methodology. The authors used analysis of suite sections and field research. The results of geochemical analyses were used to determine the ratio of the contents of indicator elements and facial conditions of sedimentation of rocks, quantitative assessments of weathering intensity and the extent of sedimentary differentiation of metasedimentary deposits of various paleotectonic modes for the purpose of paleotectonic reconstruction.
Findings. The results of geological investigations of conglomerate bearing strata of Kryvbas indicate that the lower part of the section of Kryvyi Rih series there are two different of formation types of metaconglomerate – schistic and oligomictic ones – according to composition and conditions. The former are part of the metaconglomerate- schist formation, which corresponds to the volume of Novokryvorizka suite in its modern interpretation, and the latter are part of the metaconglomerate-sandstone-schist, which combines metaterrigene part of Skeliuvatska suite section. The section of the upper part of Novokryvorizka suite is represented by the association of different chlorite schists and quartz metasandstone with subordinate spread of slate metaconglomerates according to the composition. The number of layers of metasandstones and their capacity increase upsection. The lower part of the Skeliuvatska suite section is presented by rhythms, composed by paragenesis metasandstone + metagritstone. Moreover, metasandstones are deposited at the base of rhythms and are similar to the metasandstones of the upper part of the section of Novokryvorizka suite according to the mineral composition and structural-textural features. This indicates a gradual transition between these suites and refutes the assumption regarding the basal character of quartz metaconglomerates of Skeliuvatska suite, as they are inherent to its central section, where they are involved in forming rhythms made of metasandstone ± metagritstone + metaconglomerate association. That is, the section of Skeliuvatska suite bottom has regressive character rather than transgressive character, as it is believed to be.
Originality. The nature of the contact between Novokryvorizka and Skeliuvatska suites was studied, the peculiarities of their material composition that paleotectonic features of their formation were compared.
Practical value. The research results can be used for stratigraphic subdivision of the sections; techniques used in the article can be used for paleotectonic reconstructions.
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