The substantiation of construction, peculiarities of assembling and calculating multi-level system of heating of reservior products conducted on the basis of “dth” deep pipe heaters
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- Category: Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building
- Last Updated on 04 August 2016
- Published on 04 August 2016
- Hits: 3949
А.М.Маtviienko, Cand. Sc. (Tech), Assoc. Prof., Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University
Purpose. Substantiation of construction, peculiarities of assembling and calculating the main parameters of a multi-level system of reservoir production heating that has been made on the basis of “DTH” deep tubular heaters, which are placed in the oil well and improve the production conditions of reservoir fluid with a high content of asphalt-resin-paraffin (TSA) by heating products within specified intervals.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is a complex analysis and synthesis of the literature, as well as the positive experience in combating with asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) while extracting hydrocarbons with high content of asphalt-resin-paraffin (ARP) using expert analysis and assess of the results obtained.
Findings. The research resulted in substantiation of the construction of heater of “DTH” pipe deep type, and elaboration of a multi-level system of heating the reservoir production on its basis, which is integrated into the complement of a lifter made from pump-compressor pipes. The calculation model has been substantiated to define parameters of work of the multi-level system of heating reservoir products performed on the basis of pipe electrical heater of “DTH” type. Methods of determining power required for the operation of the multi-level system of heating of reservoir production have been developed.
Originality. For the first time the following items have been developed: the model of work of the multi-level system of heating of reservoir products; the methodology of determining the coefficient of heat loss of pipe deep warm-isolation multi-layers heaters equipped with different types of casings.
Practical value. The construction of the pipe deep heater of “DTH” type has been substantiated and shown; the principle of assembling and calculating the multi-level system has been also offered of heating reservoir products, which are integrated into the composition of NKT heater and allow reducing the level of ASP deposits on work surfaces of deep equipment. The construction of multi-level warm-isolation casing has been suggested which is used in the composition of construction of a pipe deep heater of “DTH” type.
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