Influence of Vibration Load on Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Texture Surface

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Xiang Han, China University of Mining and Technology; Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China


Purpose. The study of the influence of vibration load on elastohydrodynamic lubrication of textured surface by numerical calculation.

Methodology. Based on the elastohydrodynamic lubrication model of the textured surface subjected to vibration and impact load and its solution, a series of phenomena were discussed.

Findings. The research showed that the instantaneous oil film of the textured surface has a similarity of the thickness time variance and similarity of pressure time variance in a vibration load excitation cycle. The texture in the low-pressure region has little effect on the thickness and pressure distribution of the oil film, but the one in the high-pressure region has an obvious influence on the thickness and pressure distribution of the oil film and its dynamic pressure effect is significant.

Originality. In the whole calculation region, the number of the pressure peaks is related to the one of the texture in the high pressure region. The study showed that the maximum pressure and the average friction coefficient of the oil film increases and the minimum film thickness decreases with the increase of the load amplitude. The maximum pressure, minimum thickness and the average friction coefficient of the oil film decrease with the increase of the vibration frequency.

Practical value. Research results are of importance for the design of the texture of the surface bearing vibration load.

References / Список літератури

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