Study of digging machine flat element loading in clay solution

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Zh.Zh.Zhunusbekova, Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

A.S.Kadyrov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan


Purpose. The solution of the technical task of establishing the loading of digging machines used in the environment of a clay thixotropic solution. The establishment of clay thixotropic solutions influence on the resistance force to the working elements of digging machines movement. The determination of the dependences permitting to define the magnitude of resistance force acting on the working elements of digging machines,which operate in clay thixotropic solutions.

Methodology. The loading procedure of the working elements of the digging machines exploited in clay thixotropic solutions was developed. For the full description of loading of the working element of the digging machine, its partition into a set of elementary components was performed. The dependences,which determine the magnitude of resistance force acting on the solid bodies moving in a liquid were defined for four modes of movement: Shvedov’s, Bingham’s, pseudo-laminar, and turbulent. The resistance forces arising in solution during different flow modes were calculated.

Results. The dependences which define loadings of the working elements of digging machines in case of their movement in clay solutions were obtained, as well as the dependences for determining frictional forces between the flat element of the digging machine and solution for different operating modes of the solution flow.

Scientific novelty. For the first time the regularities were obtained permitting to define resistance to the movement of the flat element in viscous-plastic environment depending on the following parameters: relaxation viscosity, motion speed of liquid, pushing-out force, etc.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used when designing boring machines for oil and gas wells drilling, and digging machines used in construction by the ‘soil mix wall’ method.

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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2016 Contents No.2 2016 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Study of digging machine flat element loading in clay solution