New data about sequence formation, compound and capacity of the coal-bearing formation of carbon of the Lviv-Volyn basin

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I.O. Kostyk, Lviv Geological Research Expedition of the State Enterprise “Zakhidukrgeologia” of NAK “Nadra Ukrainy”, Leading Geologist, Lviv, Ukraine.

М.M. Matrofailo, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals under National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Senior Scientific Worker of the Department of Geology and Geochemistry of Solid Combustible Minerals, Lviv, Ukraine.

B.I. Lelyk, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), EurGeol 1312, PAT “Tutkovsky”, Chaiman of the Board, Kyiv, Ukraine.

M.D. Korol, Separated Subdivision of Geological Research Expedition of the State Enterprise “Lvivvuhillia”, chief geologist, Volodymyr-Volynsky, Ukraine.


Purpose. To study the potential for coal presence in the Khoriv, Kulychkiv and Oleske suites of the Carboniferous, to fix the position of the lower boundary of the coal-bearing formation, to compile the geological map of the Carboniferous deposits of the Lviv-Volyn Basin.

Methodology. Methods of morphological studying of the main parameters of coal seams, lithological-stratigraphic analysis, construction of detailed morphological sections, comparison and correlation of the sections of the lower part of Carboniferous deposits of the basin and cartographical constructions were used.

Findings. The development of coal seams in the lower part of the basin’s section of Carboniferous in deposits of the Khoriv, Kulychkiv and Oleske suites was established. It was ascertained that the first signs of the processes of Carboniferous coal accumulation in the form of locally distributed seams, interbeds and lenses of coal (up to 0.40 m) were found in argillites and aleurolites of the lower and the upper parts of the Khoriv suite of the Late Tournaisian that correspond to the initial period of the development of the coal-bearing formation. We have compiled the geological map of the Pre-Mesozoic deposits of the Lviv-Volyn Basin at a scale of 1:500000 that includes a perspective Kovel coal-bearing area and differs from the previous ones by complete representation of the Carboniferous deposits of the Lviv Paleozoic deep.

Originality. Indexing of coal seams and limestones was carried out as well as the stratigraphic scheme of the lower part of the section of Carboniferous deposits of the Lviv-Volyn Basin was expanded. As a result of studies and the analysis of lithological-facies conditions of the formation of coal-bearing deposits on the basis of the availability of coal shows in deposits of the Khoriv suite the lower boundary of the Carboniferous coal-bearing formation of the Lviv-Volyn Basin, in contradistinction of the previous investigators, is substantiatedly drawn along the bottom of this suite.

Practical value. Conducted investigations are conductive to the knowledge of processes of the peat accumulation and coal formation. Cited material is of great importance for ascertaining the peculiarities of morphology, formation conditions and comparative analysis of coal-bearing formations of the Lviv-Volyn and other similar coal basins.


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